I have been chipping away at our 2023 income tax return. I have most of the investment income done, leaving the rental income and expenses as my remaining hurdles. 1040 Schedule BTaxableInterest$1,311Dividends$6,995Total$8,306 $8k is nowhere near enough to live on but provides a month or two of family expenses. As I prepared to leave my … Continue reading Passive Income
Month: February 2024
2023 Holdings
Here is where we ended 2023 balance wise: Holding wise we continued our path towards simple: Mr Rollover IRA66% VTSAX34% VBTLX -- Now the only place bonds are held other than I bonds.Mrs 403b100% VITPX (institutional VTSAX)Mrs 457b100% VITPX (institutional VTSAX)Mr Roth IRA100% VTSAXMr HSA53% FSKAX -- I'll spend down FSKAX first as Mrs HSA … Continue reading 2023 Holdings